Tag Archives: findlay

“Who let the dogs out?!” Working dogs: A series

By: Leah Alsept alseptl@findlay.edu @l_mac0913 Dog’s are a man’s best friend – or not?! As the saying goes: Dogs are a man’s best friend. But what kind of work do dogs do with people? Officers Matt Paugh and Jake Adkins are part of the K-9 unit in the Findlay Police Department. They train and work […]

Prost! Est ist Oktoberfest!

By: Collin Frazier frazierc@findlay.edu Gehst du aufs Oktoberfest? Heritage can bring people together and give them a sense of pride. The city of Findlay will be holding their annual Oktoberfest on Sept. 25, celebrating German heritage. One important organization involved in this is the Hancock Historical Museum, who explained what exactly this festival is. “Oktoberfest […]

Findlay is filled with activities for students

Name: Abigail Frye Twitter: @Abigail_EF Email: fryea@findlay.edu With Halloween coming and Findlay embracing the autumn weather of October, many fall festivities are taking place. University of Findlay students can enjoy activities like going to a haunted house, visiting a pumpkin patch farm, and watching scary movies at the local movie theater. Fear Factory and Purgatory […]