New club joins UF: Oilers for Life

By Megan Hite,

UF offers over 100 clubs and student organizations on campus. This past year a new club was brought to campus, Oilers for Life.

Oilers for Life is a club for UF students respecting and honoring human life. Oilers for Life president, Brynn Billing, and the club’s leadership team explained what the club was about.

“We work to save lives by building a respect for the dignity of all human life. This includes life that is threatened by induced abortion, euthanasia and the destruction of human embryos for research, as well as suicide prevention and respect for those with disabilities,” Billing said. “In furtherance of these goals, members seek to promote respect for life at the University of Findlay on a local, state and national level; to inform members on life issues; to help those in need so that life is a promising choice; and to work with others who share common goals. As well as to be a resource for pregnant and parenting students in need by providing support and advocacy for their rights as parenting students.”

The club just recently started meeting but set goals for the current semester and for future semesters to come.

“(The current goals are) to establish a presence on campus and make students aware that we are a safe and life affirming club,” Billing said. “To encourage and provide resources for students by giving networking opportunities and connecting with other life supporting groups and agencies.”

The club meets twice a month, usually on Tuesdays in the College of Business and Student Life Building room 222 from 8-9 p.m.

To get a better understanding about what some of the meetings go over, The Oilers for Life leadership team offered a few titles of some past meetings: Developmental Stages of babies in the womb, Title IX Advocacy, Respect life from womb to tomb, Making tie Blankets to donate to WRC and City Mission.

“Since we are a new club, we do not collect membership fees and our meetings are open to anyone who would like to join,” Billing said. “Upon coming to a meeting, people who want to be part of the club are added to the Club GroupMe in order to learn about events.”