By Megan Hite,
Before hosting the 18th Annual Helping Hands Food Drive on Nov. 1, the University of Findlay is holding their third annual CANstruction contest for different clubs around campus in the College of Business building.
Campus organizations started constructing their can sculptures on Oct. 27 at 5 p.m. Different clubs and organizations around campus participated in this event.
One club officer from Habitat for Humanity, Luke Ferrell, shared his insight of the event.
“Being an organization revolving around charity and helping those in need, we really wanted to get involved with this event to represent that and be a part of something that is meaningful to people in need,” Ferrell said.
The theme this year was “Scaring Away Hunger.” All 12 clubs participating had to create a sculpture following the theme.
“Putting our construction skills that we’re gained from all of our time on construction sites, we decided to build the spookiest house that all ghouls and goblins would be scared of.” Ferrell said. “With an added scary stalk of corn to scare hunger away.”
Judging for CANstruction takes place from Oct. 31 at 5 p.m. through Nov. 1 at 5 p.m. Clubs can win three different categories: most creative, people’s choice, and most pounds. For the people’s choice award, voters can choose their favorite by going to the Oilereats Instagram or Facebook page and liking their favorite scultpure’s picture.
Though the Helping Hand’s CANstruction hosts a fun event for UF students, it also showcases much more meaning behind it. Riley McKinniss, Marketing Coordinator for Dining Services, shared that the Helping Hands event started when David P. Harr, Director of Dining Services at UF, realized the need of our neighbors in Hancock County.
“He worked with Sodexo’s Stop Hunger program, the University of Findlay, and Ron Rooker, Director of CHOPIN Hall, to put plans in place to host the first ever Helping Hands Food Drive in 2006 where the campus community collected 994 pounds of food,” McKinniss said.
Since the first Helping Hands Food Drive in 2006, the participation has grown each year.
“Our committee works hard to involve as many people as possible each year and we’ll recap this year’s drive and start brainstorming for next,” McKinniss said. “We’re always looking to get more local businesses involved as sponsors and collection locations, while we also search for ways to get the campus community engaged as well.”
This year, UF hopes to collect more than 238,732 pounds of food, which was the record last year. Anyone who wishes can make virtual donations through the Findlay website or students can donate with their Derrick Dollars.
The Helping Hands Food Drive takes place on Nov. 1 from 7:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. at the Center for Student Life Atrium. Food will be inspected, sorted, packed and weighed throughout the day.