Halftime is Their Time

By: Collin Frazier

Email: frazierc@findlay.edu

Twitter: @Collin_53


The athletes at Findlay are not the only ones that will be shown off this fall, another group that will be showing their skills this fall is the Marching Oiler Brass (MOB). As a former band geek, I decided to shed some light on the group and learn more about the MOB.


Martha Foltz, a freshman, had known nothing but traditional marching for four years. Unlike corps marching, which is what the MOB performs, traditional marching has no dancing, yelling, and facing the crowd. It is strictly marching and facing wherever you marched. Needless to say, it was quite a transition for Foltz, but she has now found her footing.


“The transition was a little difficult at first,” Foltz stated. “I wasn’t thrilled with the idea of cheering or dancing while we march or roll step for that matter. At my high school, the band was very traditional. We were all brass, just like the MOB, but we also carried other traditions like high knees, we didn’t have cheers or dances, we marched without a director, we were ‘the pride of the Red Devils,’ the pride of our town. The MOB is like the bands that we would see at other schools and scoff about. So, at first the transition was difficult, but now I’m enjoying the ride because I can appreciate what this band is rather than be disappointed that it was nothing like what I knew.”


The band actually began their year at band camp on August 8th for all day (8 AM to 9 PM) practices, with breaks in between. Director Richard Napierala said this was the best time for the students to get to know each other and bond.


“The band is already rehearsing and they’re there from essentially 8 o’clock in the morning to 9 o’clock at night,” Napierala said. “For the first two weeks, they’re practicing together, working together, eating together, so that kind of forms bonds that go through the school year. A lot of the sections will hang out together. A lot of them have movie nights or they’ll go out to eat somewhere.”


The band is planning on three to four shows this year, with input from the students on the songs to play, mostly being current hits. The band’s first show will be revolving around the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the homecoming show will include classics from the MOB, the final show will be senior’s choice.


Along with the band shows, the band will also play some songs in the stands during football games. Some include “First Down Cheer”, “Little Bitty”, “The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly” for third downs, and of course, “Findlay Fight Song!”.


For any student interested in joining band but is afraid of time management, Foltz says she is able to balance work and school life.


“It’s not very hard to balance school and band,” said Foltz. “It doesn’t require a lot of time outside of class. Band has become somewhat of a stress reliever and helps you get to know people.”


Napierala also wanted to encourage anyone interested with a musical background to join the MOB, even if it was not a brass instrument. For those interested, practices are Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 5:30 to 6:00 p.m.

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