Woman on the street

What do you think the credibility level of the White House at the moment?

Interviews by: Alexis Mitchell


Brandon Emsweller

Journalism Major

  • “It’s interesting. Right now some things are not being agreed on, people are not seeing eye to eye. Some people are happy, some people aren’t happy. There is definitely confusion in the capital I believe. The country and the public needs to stay strong and stay together.”

Meghan Lasher

Social Work Major

  • “I think the credibility of the White House is a joke. I think that the people we have placed in office do not represent the majority of the American people, and I think that is very unfair. I think the people that voted for them may not fully understand what they voted for and the things that they are going to do for this country. They have potential to do some decent things but the things they say they are planning to do are not going to benefit the vast majority of people.”

Jared Matte

Environmental Safety and Health Major

  • “I can’t imagine it’s entirely that credible. With Trump, I do not like who he is appointing. I am particularly biased to the EPA appointments because that is directly influential to my major. I also think there’s two ways we can look at this; as something terrible in our history or we can look at it as a stepping stone for people to unite.”

Allison Rosenbeck

Social Work Major

  • “Right now, I don’t think its necessarily all that credible because we’ve had so many difference of facts about what’s going on like with things happening overseas, with Trump and Putin. Even before that with the scandals going on with Hillary Clinton. I just don’t think that you can trust what’s being said because some of it was true and some of it wasn’t. Especially with Trump wanting to do all of these ideas he has it’s putting in a lot of negative connotations especially to people who don’t know what’s going on.”

Marianna Hofer

Associate Professor of English

  • “People are in over their heads. There are people in the White House who don’t really know what they’re supposed to be doing. Its Trump saying ‘healthcare is really difficult’ and other people in his group saying ‘government is really hard’, no kidding! I don’t know what they thought it was going to be like going in. I think they thought it was going to be like running a Wal-Mart.”

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