New furniture, paint, carpet has been completed but there are more updates underway
By Alexis Mitchell
For the first time in 14 years, the Alumni Memorial Union (AMU) has been given a new look.
With new carpet, furniture, lighting, and paint, the AMU is a new and improved environment for students to spend their time.
“Even with the new Center for Student Life building on its way, we felt the AMU is and will always be an important space for all students to use,” said Nick Thompson, former SGA president.
However, the AMU is not finished. New lights will be arriving soon and should be installed within the next few weeks, along with new window treatments and tree planters.
The last time the AMU was renovated was in 2007, where it received new carpet and the furniture was reupholstered. For the last nine years there have been no changes made in the AMU until now.
“The goal of this project was to modernize the space and make it more welcoming, flexible, and comfortable for students to use,” said Dave Emsweller, vice president of student affairs.
Many people were involved in helping fund the new renovations made, including Student Government Association (SGA) funding $30,000, the UF parent’s fund, and Student Affairs funding the rest, making a grand total of $150,000 being put into the brand new couches, lights, plants, carpet and paint being used to make the AMU look brand new.