University of Findlay Senior Art Show Feb. 6-17
Taylor Christensen
Twitter: taychristensen1
Instagram: Taylorchristensen1
Ranging from abstract art to comic strips, the University of Findlay Senior art show is in full swing. Seniors Bryce Barto, Anthony Negron, Colton Ross, and Elaine Schaffer all have had their pieces on display from February 6-17.
Anthony Negron has been an artist since his early years. Art to him has always been a source of meditation, and relaxation. Having his senior work on display has been a big moment for him.
“It’s rather important,” Negron said. “I’m probably one of the first comic artists to be in the Lea Gallery […] at least in the time I have been here I haven’t seen comic art up like that, so it is cool to see that representation.”
Negron’s work focuses primarily on comic strips and graphic design. His ideas spark out of inspiration from his daydreaming, and encouragement from his professors, Anne Beekman, and Valerie Escobedo.
“They, (Beekman, and Escobedo), really pushed me to get better at design and get better at drawing in general,” Negron said.
Negron mentioned that through this encouragement and teaching, he was able to improve basic art skills which in turn helped him to create the advanced work he has put up in the gallery.
“Satisfying” is the word Escobedo used to describe the feeling of the senior’s art being on display.
“They have been doing all of this work for four years and to see it all come together and culminate into a body of work is really exciting,” Escobedo said.
Escobedo explains that to prepare for an event like this, students take weeks to finalize and pick out their best pieces of work. The instillation in the gallery alone takes around four to five hours.
“We spread everything out, and then we have to figure out how to organize it all visually,” Escobedo said. “So, it looks good and has a good flow to it.”
The work chosen for the show is carefully picked out by the students. Negron’s art displayed in the Lea Gallery is only part of what he has been working on. The comic strips posted on the walls are part of an actual comic book he is hoping to publish one day.
Negron’s book is one that has a lot of meaning, being set in the 1930’s, his story revolves around a “Superman” like character who has fallen into America during the time of racism and immigration.
“I guess in a way it kind of reflects how it has been in America always,” Negron said. “You expect to come here with open arms, but a lot of people face discrimination in a lot of horrible ways.”
The final senior art show is an important moment for both professors and students and symbolizes the growth from freshman to senior.
“I feel really lucky I get to work with student’s during that time period,” Escobedo said. “I feel like you (the student’s) are figuring out who you are as an artist and professional, but I also feel like you are figuring out who you are as a person, and in art we (professors) get to experience and see that a lot more.”