By: Brianna Hallman
Twitter: @hallmanbri
It is time to come home…for the class of 1968, a mere fifty years since they graduated. The Oilers that walked these halls, avoided the large red dots, and passed through the famous arch are coming back to what has changed on the University of Findlay’s historic campus.
Distinguished alumni such as Kenneth Curry was excited to see what the campus has in store and looks forward to a fantastic Homecoming. He explained, “It always did feel like home.”
Curry lived on-campus all four years at Findlay, something that would not be common on campus nowadays. During those four years, he witnessed many, many changes. Construction and landscaping was common including the building of Shafer Library and the Fox Residence Hall.
“The Library was special because we were given the day off class to move the books form the old library in Old Main to Shafer,” said Curry. “Our class was also the first class to graduate from the steps of Shafer Library. “
The Shafer Library in 2018 has had quite a few updates since Curry was a student including a sound-proof booth, new computers, and a renovated learning commons.
Another popular space for the students of 1968 was The Cave in the Alumni Memorial Union. Now it houses Jazzman’s Café, a popular spot for a hot cup of coffee, a couch to relax and watch the news, and a refuge for serious studiers. Curry saw it as a place for students and professors to meet and socialize.
“It was also a place where you would just sit and talked with the professors,” said Curry. “I know it might sound strange, but the staff and students developed a very strong bond of friendship that lasted far beyond our college careers.”
It is clear how proud Curry is of his old alma mater, and carries through that school spirit to his role of Alumni Chair for this year’s 50th Reunion.
If Kenneth Curry could tell new and current students one thing, it would be: “Once an Oiler, always an Oiler.”