Innovative Leadership Challenge

By: Alexis Mitchell
Twitter: @alexismitch14

The last couple of years, the Innovation Competition has given University of Findlay students the chance to thrive as young business men and women by inspiring them to create their own organizations and businesses. This year, things were changed up and the UF students got to host the new Innovative Leadership Challenge.
The newly structured Innovative Leadership Challenge is an opportunity for students to showcase their business and intellectual skills by being creative and strategic. Students had the choice to pick any category they wanted to compete in. There were more than 10 teams competing in this challenge.
Peyton Sibert, a junior English major, was one of the participants of the challenge. Sibert said that she didn’t even decide to compete until a week before submissions were due.
In just a weekend, Sibert typed out a proposal of her idea containing the overview, partners, a list of different cost variables, how her idea emphasized leadership and put together a PowerPoint.
“When I saw a competition on presenting an original business idea, I thought, why not?” said Sibert.
Sibert’s idea was called “Peyton’s Pages,” a bookstore that focuses on creativity and reading for everyone. At “Peyton’s Pages,” people would be able to trade books, donate books, or purchase them at a low cost. The bookstore would also hold writing workshops and readings, so people could learn more about writing and discuss it with people who also enjoy reading and writing. Sibert says that the bookstore would have to include a coffee shop as well.
“My main focus is the idea that everyone deserves to be able to live through their creative side,” said Sibert.
When it came to actual competition day, Sibert says that competing was a lot of fun, but also nerve wracking.
“I am not the biggest fan of public speaking, so honestly just presenting my idea was a huge accomplishment for me,” said Sibert.

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