2024 Freed Contemporary Christian Lecture – Dr. Marie Louden-Hanes

Friday, October 18, 2024
Winebrenner TLB Auditorium

Artist, author, pastor, and University of Findlay professor emerita of art history, Dr. Marie Louden Hanes will present “Life Lessons from Africa.” In 2011, Louden-Hanes traveled to Africa on a U.S. State Department grant, part of a four-person team representing University of Findlay. The team traveled with professional film-makers to Chad, Niger, Burkina Faso, Mali, and Senegal, interviewing aspiring entrepreneurs in each location. Louden-Hanes will share lessons learned through this cross-cultural experience, demonstrating how our world and perspective change when we say, “Here I am. Send me.”

The Freed Contemporary Christian Lecture Series was endowed in 2010 by the late Dr. and Mrs. DeBow Freed. Visiting speakers should be guided by the ideals epitomized by Dr. and Mrs. Freed. These ideals include a Christian-centered ethos; respect for multiple faith traditions in an increasingly pluralistic world; civility of expression; excellence and rigor of thought; humility, compassion, and service.