Meals you can make in your dorm room

Column By Andy Milligan

As we all know, cooking for yourself in college can seem impossible- after all, all we’re allowed is a microwave, maybe a minifridge, and no more than a few simple ingredients to work with. But even with these limitations, the possibilities are still endless.

As they say, “the creative mind thrives under stringent limitations.” Making Delicious food is still possible in your dorm. Don’t believe us? Here are a few of our favorite ideas.


That’s right- the king of microwave breakfasts tops our lists. All you need is a few oats, a bit of water, and BOOM- a healthy breakfast is born in your room. Of course, we don’t mean just oatmeal. Your bowl is only as good as whatever you put in with it- and the good thing is, there are so many hearty options to choose from.

Here’s a few to get you started:

1. peanut butter

2. nuts

3. pumpkin puree

4. fruit

5. cinnamon

6. Greek yogurt

7. protein powder

8. sweetener

9. salt


An instant microwave classic, ramen never disappoints, and it’s super quick and convenient, too. With all the flavors to choose from, it’s also super difficult to run out of options. To try and make it a more balance meal, try cracking an egg inside, or adding some leftover meat from the dining hall.


That’s right- the list wouldn’t be complete without a sweet option. Just add some brownie mix with water (or milk for extra richness) to your mug and transfer to the mix to your trusty microwave. It doesn’t take much to enjoy a simple dessert after a long day of studying or working. And the best part is, you’ll love it even more because you made it yourself.

P.S.- substitute the brownie mix with flavored protein powder for an equally enjoyable, satiating alternative!!


Competing with oatmeal for the top breakfast dish is one of our favorites- an instant omelette. All you need to do is chop some veggies of your choice, add some tomatoes and onions into a bowl with your eggs, and you are all set. Add your seasonings and toppings of choice- we like avocadoes, hot sauce, or salsa, and you’ve got just about the most balanced breakfast you can have in two minutes.

So, there you have it- plenty of good options to start your personal, Michelin-star dishes in your own dorm room. These are super useful if you are running behind and don’t have time to stop by the dining hall or the Refinery on the way to class, and there’s plenty of healthy options on this list too.

Make sure you try them all and let us know which is your favorite! Time to get cooking, Oiler Nation.