Prepping for finals week

Staying ahead of the curve during finals

By Jordan Grimes


Finals are a big part of each semester. It accumulates everything you have learned throughout the semester. Finals can boost your grade, or drop it tremendously. That’s why it is very important to know how to prepare for it. There are many ways you can prepare yourself for finals.

Junior Business Administration-Marketing Emphasis Major, Brennan Perry has been through almost four years of exams and finals. So he knows what to expect when finals come around.

“You have to find out what works for you personally, learning what study habits work best for you is the key,” Perry said.

There are many freshmen, and sophomores who are still learning the ropes, and still need to find the study routine that works for them.

“Keeping calm and going about finals the way I go about all my exams throughout the year really helps me,” Perry said. “A lot of people tend to treat finals differently when they should really go into it the same way they have been going into exams all semester.”

“Asking my professors for help was a big factor in preparing me for finals, they are the ones who make the finals and can help you gain the most knowledge on what you need to know and study,” said Perry.

The University of Findlay has many resources for students getting ready for exams. Resources you can find on Findlay’s “for students” page. There students can click on “ to find all the resources for academic support. The Writing Center, and the Academic Support Center are two resources that can be found on Starfish for students to use when preparing for finals.

Master of Arts in Rhetoric and Writing Program student and writing center tutor Travis Rindler says they use specific strategies in the Writing Center to help students.

“Many students come to the writing center to get help with their final portfolios which is very important when it comes to passing their writing classes, ” said Rindler. “We not only teach them the techniques of writing we have, but also help them create their own style and techniques.”

The Writing Center is a staple in the success of UF students. It gives students the opportunity to get help from people who have had success in writing. There are undergrad assistants (UGA), or grad assistants (GA) which gives students different options on who they get help from.

The Academic Support Center has many options on how students are helped.

“We have the tutoring center, testing center, the Office of Accommodations and Inclusions, Safety & Wellness, and Title IX,” said Rayanne Mitchell, Assistant Director of the Academic Support Center.

Any class that you may need assistance with, the Academic Support Center has someone who can help.

“We are here to help students with whatever they’re not grasping,” said Mitchell. “When preparing for finals I would say you should take it day by day, hour by hour. You’ve come this far so keep going strong.”