University of Findlay responds to COVID-19 outbreak

The following is a letter released from University President Dr. Katherine Fell to the UF community. The Pulse Staff is dedicated to bringing the UF community important information regarding this issue. 

“Dear Parents:

The university has been in close contact with Governor DeWine’s Office regarding the coronavirus outbreak (COVID-19) in order to ensure that we have the most current information about the evolving situation. Even though there are no campus-associated cases of COVID-19, we will be proactive in our effort to prevent illness and promote a healthful campus environment.

Based on Governor DeWine’s current recommendations that all universities transition to remote online classes and limit large group gatherings, the University of Findlay is taking the following measures:


· Effective Monday, March 16, traditional classroom courses will be delivered remotely. This will continue at least until Tuesday, April 14.

·  To facilitate this and allow faculty time to prepare their course materials, all academic classes are canceled on Friday, March 13. Additionally, the all-campus meeting scheduled for Friday, March 13 is postponed.

·  Classroom experiences such as labs, performance classes, and instruction and animal care at the farms are still being evaluated, and the university will provide additional guidance this week.

Campus Events

·  Effective Monday, March 16, we are canceling all events, either University-sponsored or on University property, at least until Tuesday, April 14; this includes student organization events.

·  We strongly recommend the use of teleconferencing, group chats, or live streaming as alternatives to in-person gatherings.

·  Outdoor sporting competitions will continue at this time. Indoor sporting competitions on campus will not be permitted.

·  We will continue to evaluate events and will share plans prior to April 14 to either ease the restrictions early or, if needed, extend them.


· Effective immediately and until further notice, all university-sponsored international travel is suspended. This includes new travel as well as any currently booked trips.

· University-sponsored domestic travel must be approved on an as-needed basis by the appropriate Cabinet member. This includes new travel as well as any currently booked trips between now and April 14.

·Travelers returning from Level 3 warning countries are required report their exposure to the Cosiano Health Center and to observe a 14-day period of self-quarantine and monitoring.


Guidance for Students

· The University will remain open, including student support services, academic resources, residence and dining facilities, athletic, and recreation facilities.

· While completing classes remotely, students may choose to return to their permanent place of residence or stay in their on-campus housing. If staying on campus, the University encourages you to take enhanced preventative public health and hygiene measures.

· We urge all students to make the choice that is best for their own personal situations.

Guidance for Faculty

· Faculty should immediately begin preparations to deliver their courses remotely. All currently enrolled courses have a Canvas course instance.

· Links to training materials and resources will be provided shortly. We strongly encourage faculty with expertise in teaching online to assist their less prepared colleagues with this task.

· Faculty may continue to use their offices and campus facilities while delivering courses remotely.

Guidance for Staff

· Because the University will be open during this time period, staff are expected to report to campus for work. Determinations about changes in services and/or staff needs will be made based on the evolving situation.

· UF will provide work-at-home flexibility to employees who are at high-risk (i.e., chronically ill or immuno-compromised prior to this outbreak, or have a need to work remotely due to personal matters related to the COVID-19).

The University’s emergency response team continues to evaluate risk and develop contingency plans, working directly with the Hancock County Public Health Department and following the guidelines of the CDC and local, state, and federal authorities.

We have established a Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Information web page to provide up-to-date information. 

If you have questions related to the University’s response and plans for COVID-19, you can email

I deeply appreciate your cooperation in this important effort.  Together we will support our educational mission as we work to keep our community as safe as possible.”


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