Beating the winter cold and getting tropical

Collin Frazier



With the weather keeping cool, the Student Government Association (SGA) is hoping to heat up campus with its annual Casino Night. This year, SGA is celebrating its 20th year of putting on Casino Night, with the theme being a tropical “Cruising into 2020”. Casino Night coordinator and SGA Secretary Lauren Keyser shared what Casino Night is all about.


“Casino Night is SGA’s way to put on an event for all of the students on campus. We spend most of our year funding other events, and then this is our way of saying ‘we put on events too’ and Casino Night is our event”, said Keyser. “Basically, what students can do [is] they come, and they get a giveaway. This year, we are giving away Hawaiian bucket hats because the theme is ‘Cruising into 2020’, so they will get their bucket hat and they will get a starter amount of poker chips and then they can go and play whichever games they like because we have casino dealers come in. So basically, it’s just a night to play cards with your friends, gamble a little bit safer, and just hang out, and enjoy the music, the food, and everybody else.”


With every year, comes a new idea that SGA will try to implement to Casino Night. Keyser talked about how SGA is hoping to implement the new ideas based on the theme.


“We are doing the bucket hat giveaway, which will be different. We’ve never done anything like it,” Keyser stated. “Last year, we did fanny packs and those were really cool because it was a 90s theme. So hopefully we’re going to start integrating our theme into our giveaways a little bit more. It is the 20th anniversary, so we did go all out, and hopefully, it will be a really great way to spend your Friday night.”


Keyser than shared the prizes that will be offered at the event.


 “When you acquire a certain amount of coins, you can trade them in for raffle tickets and then we will raffle off the prizes at certain time intervals,” Keyser commented. “We’re planning on raffling off an Echo Dot, a swim basket with a couple different water floaties, a basket where you can win a voucher to buy some Crocs, the second to last one is a gift card for a year subscription of Disney+, and then the big prize that we’ll give away at the very end to try and increase the attendance and make sure people stay throughout the event is Two-Passes to Kalahari.”


For anyone on the fence on going, Keyser shares why you think you should attend this year’s event.


“I would say people would come to Casino Night because I planned the menu, and I know the menu [is] really good, and we’re having a smoothie bar. You can come [and] it doesn’t cost you anything, you get in with your UF ID. There’s going to be a bunch of desserts, a bunch of snacks, there’s going to be kabobs. It’s going to be a very summer kind of theme,” said Keyser.  “Some people can get cabin fever, especially with it being so cold. We’re hoping that that will kind of boost the mood around campus… I think it’s going to be a really fun event. We’re hoping that it will increase the attendance of people staying [on campus] over the weekend.”


The event will kick off tonight, Feb.21 in the AMU and will take place from 5:30-8:30 p.m.


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