Winding Down and Tuning up

Abigail Frye



With the semester winding down, The University of Findlay has different ways to help students finish strong. As many students are writing their final papers and preparing projects, The Writing Center is ready to help.

 The Writing Center is located in Old Main in Office 45. The Office is open for scheduled appointments Sunday through Saturday from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. for any and all writing concerns. There are tutors waiting to assist with every final paper coming their way.

Dr. Courtney Bates, Assistant Professor of English and Director of the Writing Center, explained problem areas where many students struggle.

 “All writers get stuck and unstuck when writing; the Writing Center helps people stay motivated when writing and helps them learn methods to keep writing and revising,” said Bates. By utilizing the Writing Center, it can be easier to stay on track to get that project turned in on time.

The Writing Center is not only used for specific classes, either.

“While we have high-usage classes, like English 106, I’d say that most students who come in value getting careful feedback from a well-trained peer,” explained Bates. The Writing Center can be helpful to every student of any major when it comes to writing for classes. The Office is meant to be a tool for all UF students.

The Writing Center does not only have open office hours for students to make appointments, as they also hold different programs, especially with the end of the semester fast approaching.

The Writing Center hosted their End-of-Semester Writing Workshop to help students finish their students for the year. This event will be held in the College of Business Building in Room 120, otherwise known as the Duane and Kathleen Jebbett Leadership Room, which is located on the first floor. The event took place on Nov. 13 from 7 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.

The End-of-Semester Writing Workshop not only had the assistance from tutors that can be spotted in regular appointments at the Writing Center, but also English professors that were ready to assist students.

While this is more geared towards students in English classes, other students can benefit by learning tips to use on their upcoming papers in other classes. This workshop specifically focused on thesis development, documentation, organization, style, and audience. By bringing all source materials, students can utilize this opportunity to receive better grades.

The Writing Center has much to offer for UF students, making them a perfect resource for writing needs when entering the last few weeks of this semester.


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