Sink your teeth into something new

By: Abigail Frye


Everyone knows how the process of buying a pizza typically goes. You call a pizza shop, wait about 20 minutes, and pick it up fresh and hot with the money you saved all week. The Ohio State University decided to make some changes to this ritual by building a pizza vending machine in one of the buildings on campus.

This machine costs $8 to make one pizza, either cheese or pepperoni, and it can have it ready for you in three to four minutes. With a special ATM like this, students would never have to leave campus to enjoy a bite of the cheesy goodness.

Jessica Seifert, a junior animal science major, explains how different this take on pizza is.

“It’s a unique take on pizza and it’s convenient,” said Seifert. As this idea has not been introduced to the University of Findlay, this is a new idea to UF students. Despite the convenience, Seifert had a few worries about this vending machine pizza.

“I don’t think this is promoting healthy choices for college students,” said Seifert. “A vast majority want to go for healthier choices so promoting this does not help that.”

When asked if she would like to see this on UF’s campus, she disagreed, explaining that it would take away from local businesses in Findlay that sell pizza.

Not all students had the same opinions when it came to pizza from a vending machine. Riley Shultz, a sophomore business management and finance major, expressed how much he would like to see this added to campus.

“I think it’s pretty cool,” said Shultz. “I know I would definitely use it because it’s convenient; I could get a quick little bite to eat on campus instead of having to drive somewhere.”

Some students may be in support of this type of quick dinner, but members of the health field may not be so sure. Jody Frye, a registered nurse located in Holmes County, explained why she does not condone a pizza vending machine.

“When you think of vending machines, I don’t know if they’re truly a healthy option,” said Frye. “I mean, what are the ingredients, what are the preservatives?”

Frye was not sure of the benefits of an alternative like this to Findlay students.

“There are much healthier ways now to eat pizza, and I question this option,” said Frye.

Whether students are in support of the vending machine pizza or not, they are unfortunately not available to UF at this time. The Ohio State University will have the opportunity to experience this new machine for now but UF students still have many options for those pizza cravings right here in Findlay.

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