You can be lonely in silence on Valentine Weekend

By: Leah Alsept


Students packing up for the weekends may want to think again. Residence Life has several events coming up and is just coming off a weekend of dancing and partying.

The Valentine Weekend Silent Disco was held in the Student Recreation Center on Feb. 16 from 7 to 9 p.m. The event, held by Residence Life, was advertised as “Let’s be lonely together with non-stop dancing and partying.” Residence Life, as stated on the website, “all strive to provide a living-learning environment geared toward community development.”

Maureen Reiser, pre-vet and Biology major, senior at the University of Findlay, is the Resident Director of Lovett Hall. She has been involved in Residence Life from sophomore to senior year and has been a Resident Director for two years.

“A lot of people use the term ‘suit-case campus’ to describe the University of Findlay because so many students are from around the area, that they go home on the weekends,” Reiser said. “We’re working to build a more solid community on campus so residents feel they have activities to do and people to hang out with while they’re here.”

Outings are advertised practically everywhere- Reiser said there were 400 ads slid under doors, fliers posted,  and the event was also posted on the Oiler Mobile app.

“Residence Life holds events throughout the semester called ‘Oiler Outings’. They’re events that we program to encourage students to stay on campus during the weekends,” said Reiser.

The Silent Disco was anything but lonely, unlike jokingly advertised in the fliers put up around campus, saying “Let’s be lonely together”. Students who came to the event were greeted by the Residence Life staff, who showed them how to put together the headphones and welcomed them to take snacks and all sorts of glow sticks.

Reiser said for students to keep their eye out and read the advertisements that Resident Assistants send them and what’s posted around campus.

“(Students can) always turn to an RA or RD if you’re bored and looking for something to do on a Friday or Saturday night,” she said.

Besides Oiler Outings, other events sponsored by the University of Findlay can be found on the University’s website under “Student Activities,” including ‘Canine Cuddles,’ where Mishka, the said Canine Cuddle Dog is available to meet and greet students throughout the semester.

Others include: The Music Bach’s Concert Series held in the AMU, the next performance will be lead by Jason O’ March 15 from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., the T.O.O.L. Development Workshops, held in the Winebrenner Theological Seminary  Convocation Center Auditorium, with the next meeting on March 13, “Making the Connection Work,” presented by Jason LeVasseur at 7:30 p.m.

If students have questions about these events, they can call (419) 434-4606 or email

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