By: Brianna Hallman
Nearly 49 percent of those eligible to vote took to the polls on Voting Tuesday for the midterm elections, according to early estimates from the United States Election Project.
Of that 49 percent, over 13 percent of those voters were in the ages 18 to 29 demographic, a sizable jump from the 11 percent in the 2014 presidential elections which see a higher turnout in all demographics. It seems that America’s youth are starting to discover their voice and the influence they can have on politics.
ABC exit polls reported that while voting in every age group increased, the 18 to 29 demographic had the biggest jump.
Hancock County contributed to the upward trend with 54.7 percent heading to the polls, the highest it has been since 2006 at 57 percent.
Though voting is considered a right and everyone is encouraged throughout the country to participate, senior broadcast journalism and digital media major Nick Balaj does not like the idea.
“I think this election had so many people vote because someone on television told them to vote, probably for all the Democrats on the ballot just so they could help stop Trump,” said Balaj.
With so many divided opinions since the election of President Trump, Balaj does not appreciate the two parties constantly competing and looking for ways to halt the others’ progress.
As predicted, the Democratic party overtook the House of Representatives and the gap between the two parties control of the Senate has narrowed after a recount in Arizona favored Democrat Kyrsten Sinema.
Junior graphic design and Japanese major Ethan Hockaday also had an idea of how the election was going turn out.
“The elections weren’t in favor of my vote, but they did turn out the way I expected, the way I think everyone expected,” said the Hockaday, a resident of Sidney, Ohio.
As of late, the focus on winning the campaign has led to the politicization of topics that many do not see as a bipartisan issue. One such controversial topic in Ohio’s elections was Issue 1, a revolutionary change to Ohio’s constitution that would decriminalize low-level drug offenders.
“I am disappointed Issue 1 didn’t pass, but I do understand there are too many issues with the proposal,” said Hockaday.
After the Democrats took the house, Balaj became concerned it will not help improve the nation’s current political situation.
“Every election has a losing party,” said Balaj. “The focus of stopping or beating their opponent has effectively destroyed the ability for a bipartisan system to work efficiently,”
Balaj’s sentiment comes after a previous administration’s supreme court nominee, Merrick Garland, was blocked for partisan reasons.