By: Leah Palm
Twitter: @_palmegranate
The idea of creating a movement has become profound in recent years. Whether it is a #metoo or a protest on the street, inspired people work every day to create a change in their communities. At the University of Findlay, students have begun to create a movement aimed at making campus more eco-friendly in a world of declining environmental awareness.
The Green Campus Club, a student formed and student run committee, creates efforts to increase educational awareness and student involvement in protecting the Earth, starting locally. Student organizer, Abigail Corless, became inspired to share her passion for sustainability after a three-day conference last semester. According to Corless, she was determined to apply her inspiration gained from the conference to everyday life on-campus.
“I learned that a movement is not created by the first person involved it is actually created by all the people who follow the first person…it was clear to my small group that we needed to make a change to the recycling on campus.”
While starting a movement is easier said than done, The Green Campus Club has charged forward in their efforts to make campus a more eco-friendly environment, and they have targeted their efforts on indoor recycling. Currently, campus recycling policies make it difficult to have campus wide indoor recycling and Corless knew that it would take student initiative to change these policies.
“I decided to form Green Campus Club because of The University of Findlay’s current recycling practices, I wanted to change them, and I knew I couldn’t do it alone. Dr. Sekar, volunteered to be Green Campus Club’s advisor and since then we have had more people join the club and share their passion about recycling and green living.”
The initiative of students just like Corless have led to an ongoing change in policy that will allow indoor recycling at all print stations, in the mail room, and in the food court in the College of Business building. While the Green Campus Club has already done a large amount of work in a short amount of time, there is still a lot that still needs to be accomplished. Plastic waste is the biggest culprit when it comes to the pollution of landfills. According to Corless, recycling is not the solution to this, but it is the best possible thing students can do to contribute to the excessive waste pollution. Corless encourages,
“We the students are going to be the people who make changes on the University of Findlay’s campus and I am personally determined to make the change to increase recycling. We are hoping that we can continuously improve the green efforts on campus as there are endless areas in which we can improve on.”
To learn more about the Green Campus Club or how to get involved stop in for free pizza at the Feb. 6 meeting in Davis 1120 at 8:30 p.m. or email Abigail Corless at