By: Juliyana Straley
Twitter: @jstraley7
The University of Findlay buying Winebrenner Theological Seminary is the hot topic around campus right now. For anyone wondering, however, they didn’t actually buy it. It is a “long-term” lease that still has yet to be approved by the Higher Learning Commission.
Contrary to the facts of the purchase, I am a huge supporter of this new partnership. Having attended many events, like Revive, at Winebrenner, I think this is a great opportunity for Findlay to have more access to a great building and more opportunities for students to study and learn about God. As said in the press release, Winebrenner’s board mission has been to, “equip leaders for service in God’s Kingdom,” and I think this is a great way for Findlay to ensure their students do the same.
The major opportunities listed of this new partnership include joint events for alumni, recruitment for undergrad students interested in graduate degrees offered by Winebrenner, and the “discovery of avenues” for donors to contribute.
While being a supporter of this partnership, I would like to stress my support for helping students learn and become closer to God and their faith; to meet new people and collaborate on ideas of faith and morals. I cherish the idea of a place on campus fully accessible to students who want to partake in worship activities.
I am not, however, in support of buying a building for alumni parties filled with cocktails and small talk. I do not support the notion to buy a building and fill it with contributions of donors with money spilling out of their pockets. These are not major collaborative opportunities that help students grow, but are opportunities that help the University’s bank account. The building should be filled with students who want to grow as better people and leaders of God, not with green paper and handshakes.
I am eager to hear about the beneficial opportunities that President Fell so briefly touched upon. Who will be benefited more, the University of Findlay or its’ students?