New Master’s Program at UF

First applied security and analytics program in the state


By Jacob King


In a year filled with renovated residence halls, a new turf field, and expanded parking lots, The University of Findlay checked off another item on its development list- the addition of a master’s program.

A two year Master of Science in applied security and analytics program has been created at the University for students looking to pursue a career working with cybersecurity, programming, and more.

“We’ve been considering this for a few years now,” said Mary Jo Giese, chair of the computer science department.

The creation of this program had two purposes for people already in this type of field: help those who want to pursue a higher education and help those who want to stay updated in the fast pace world of technology.

“We know there’s a great need for these people (graduates with this type of degree),” said Helen Schneider, professor of computer science.

Students who graduate with this kind of degree can enter the workforce essentially working in any company, considering most companies have a security and analytics department.

The context of classes varies with classes being taught in analytics, security, business, and leadership. Giese said adding a program requires more manpower, in both fields of the major, to take on upcoming students.

“This program will be providing us with two new faculty members,” said Giese.

Although newly created, interest has already started with applicants.

“We have half a dozen inquires,” said Schneider. “We’re hoping to have the equivalent of 12 full time students.”

Currently, no other university in Ohio offers this type of program and at this level.

“It’s a one of a kind program in Ohio,” said Giese.

Much of the uniqueness that surrounds the program is based off its pairing of data analytics and security. Giese said how both are significant pieces in the realm of technology and bringing them together will serve practical to students.

According to, with a degree of this level, a person can earn a potential salary exceeding $100,000.

Research for this program didn’t solely come from observing requirements and desired skills of the field, but what students wanted.

“The department asked graduates and students what they’d like to see in this program,” said Schneider.

Classes for the master’s program will be mostly filled with computer science and math majors. However, being reviewed more than the major applying is the experience an applicant has prior to admission.

“It’s (the program) made for working adults,” said Gieser.

Although a small amount of enrollment has generated, hopes run high that this program will thrive.

This is a new adventure for us and we’re excited about it,” said Giese. “We’re hoping within three to four years we’ll have 30-40 students enrolled.”

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